Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Switching to WordPress and Google Analytics

"I switched my website from my existing web designer to a WordPress site. Why can't i view my stats from the beginning?" Heather

I will break it down with an analogy, cause i'll lose you on this one.

let's pretend you have a car - a Toyota.
and i have a car - a Nissan.
and i have just found out that my car is - uh oh - empty!
let's say you just put gas in your car. so it's full.
now just because we both have cars, and you have gas and i don't. doesn't mean we can swap gas. it doesn't work that way.

websites are kind of like that.
in this case - the original html website your web designer created is the Nissan and the WordPress site you now have is the Toyota.

when you switched to a WordPress site from the original site designed; this google analytics was setup in the backend. the designer had to copy a unique code created by google (like the gas of a car) into the actual html code of the page (the car). so the designer would only have the data, until the site is switched to a WordPress site.

the google analytics account has to be re-setup for the the new WordPress site.

Did You Know: Anyone can have their own, free google analytics account! Once you start, i promise it will be addicting.
once setup, look for the 'google alerts' link. it is that easy!

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